
Jewelry Info

Jewelry Info



We have all the information you need to find out about Birthstone, Anniversaries, Patrons and more. If you have any questions feel free to contact us! 



We have a large selection of Birthdstone Jewelry in stock to choose from.  Check out our website to find your Birthstone.

Anniversary Gifts

Anniversary Gifts

We have a large selection of Pictures frames in stock to choose from.  If you don't see what you like, we can always order one.

Patrons & Protectors

Patrons & Protectors

Check our our website to find out what Saint is your Patron and Protector.    If you can't find a charm, we can always custom design one.

Diamond Education

Diamond Education

Learn more about diamonds and GIA Diamond Grading Reports and why they are are important to you.

Selecting A Chain

Selecting A Chain


When selecting a chain's length , consider the person who will be wearing the chain.  Chains will look different on tall and short people.